My Services

Oral function, infant feeding & tongue tie advice & support

Let's get your baby settled, happy and thriving. Discover how I can help you...


Hey, I'm Faye.

My consultations help babies (from newborn to 12 months old) with:

Suspected tongue tie

Oral dysfunction

Bottlefeeding challenges

Breastfeeding challenges



Previous tongue tie divisions

Suspected tongue tie Oral dysfunction Bottlefeeding challenges Breastfeeding challenges Reflux 'Colic' Previous tongue tie divisions

 If you're struggling, I've got you. You're in the right place.

Here, you can find out how my consultation works - and how it can help you.

 How your virtual consultation works


 Consultation pricing


Initial Consultation (30 minutes)


My standard consultation includes one initial consultation and access to aftercare resources.

  • This consultation looks at solving the underlying cause of your challenges.

    You will send over videos of your baby feeding, crying, and one of you lifting up underneath their tongue. You will complete a pre appointment questionnaire and I will assess all of these before our call.

    I will then go through my findings and send over a plan of action after the call.

    This call is 30 minutes only. If you have lots of questions or your situation is quite complex, I would recommend booking a 60 minute call.

Initial consultation (60 mins)


If your situation is more complex or you have lots you want to discuss, the 60 minute call may be a better option.

  • This call involves the same as a 30 minute call but with lots more time for questions, back and forth and a more in-depth discussion of your challenges. It’s more about how much support you think you need.

Virtual follow up


If you’ve implemented the plan and have some ongoing questions or concerns, then just send me an email or use the link below and we can arrange a half hour follow up.

  • You can send me some updated videos and we will jump on a call again to review your progress and make any changes to your current plan. It is a 30 minute call.

 My approach

When you work with me, it's not conveyor belt care.

I do tongue tie, differently.

Oral dysfunction can have a huge impact on your baby, and your whole family. It's not just a piece of tissue under the tongue. It can impact maternal mental health, affect your bonding process with your baby, and be a series of traumas you experience whilst feeling unheard and unsupported. I've lived it - and that's why I'm here to support you, fully.

During your consultation, I perform a thorough, holistic and functional oral assessment using a validated assessment tool. I also look at your wider concerns.

It's more than just a division; a tongue tie is often just one piece of the puzzle.

The Process

  • 01. Book Appointment

    Or if you have a question, feel free to contact me here.

  • 02. Complete Forms

    You'll get an email with your pre- appointment form. Fill this in as well as some videos of your little one feeding, crying and you lifting up their tongue.

  • 03. Hop on the call

    Let's get your baby happy, settled and thriving!

“In my consultations, we seek out the underlying cause of your little one's challenges. This way, I can recommend and do what is truly best for your baby.”

What is Tongue Tie?

 Confused about what a Tongue Tie actually is? The importance of good tongue function, and whether your baby is showing signs and symptoms of one?

Have a read-through to put your mind at ease.

  • A Tongue Tie (or Ankyglossia), is a dynamic, layered structure formed by the oral mucosa and the connective tissue; fascia, that covers the floor of the mouth (Mills, 2019). In essence, it is a frenulum which is restrictiing the normal movememt of the tongue. Ties are not always visible to the untrained eye.

  • Because the tongue is needed to latch and feed effectively, for a co-ordinated suck-swallow-breathe pattern, for speaking, sleeping, eating, chewing, swallowing and orofacial development. The tongue is actually connected right down to your big toe via fascia, which is connective tissue. It's more than infant feeding. A restricted tongue, whether it be from a physical tie, or muscular tension (something I look at), can cause a whole host of challenges.

  • - Short, frequent feeds

    - Excessively long or continuous feeds

    - Discomfort or distress during feeds

    - Clicking

    - Gulping

    - Milk spilling from sides of mouth (on breast or bottle)

    - Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples

    - Mishapen or lipstick shaped nipples after feeds

    - Engorgement

    - Exhaustion (for you and baby)

    - Suspected low milk supply

    - Slow weight gain or faltering growth

    - Sleepy during feeds

    - Snoring/noisy breathing

    - "Fast" let down

    - Unable to lay flat on black

    - Bloating in tummy due to air swallowing (aerophagia)

    - Shallow latch on breast or bottle

    - Blisters on lips

    - Spluttering, coughing, gagging, choking during feeds

    - Difficulty elevating tongue when crying

    - Mouth gape off centre when crying

    - Reflux symptoms

    - Colic symptoms

  • No! There is no age limit when it comes to improving oral function - and everything that links. I support families with babies up to 12 months old. So if you have an 'older' baby, don't worry - I've got you.

  • No! There is no age limit when it comes to improving oral function - and everything that links. I support families with babies up to 12 months old. So if you have an 'older' baby, don't worry - I've got you. If your baby is older than 12 months, please send me an email on

 Your booking FAQs

  • No - most likely not. I see babies from newborn up to the age of 12 months. In fact, helping older babies is something I'm really passionate about - as they may have been missed and struggling for some time (and you, as the parent struggling too!).

    If your baby is older than 12 months, please send me an email on

  • No; as it's so important we get your baby 'release ready'. By this, I mean, we've optimised your baby's oral function - so that a release is the next best action we can take to get your baby thriving. Occasionally, babies are not ready on the 2nd appointment - and you may need an additional follow-up appointments. It's important to me that you know this before you start your journey.

  • I know how hard it can be - I've lived it and been there. When your baby has reflux, colic, feeding challenges, doesn't sleep well or anything that unsettles them, you can feel absolutely desperate - and you want a solution fast. But trust me, rushing in and dividing the tongue without doing a thorough assessment and exploring oral function exercises, and other support can cause you more problems in the long term. I am here to guide you, support you - and ultimately, help your baby to be happy, content and thriving - which is the best way to support your maternal mental health too.

  • No. All my consultations are priced at the same - £195- whether you do or don't have a tongue tie division. This is because I firmly believe all babies deserve the same level of care, attention and support to understand and solve the underlying cause of their challenges. A division is a small piece of the puzzle. A division would likely be performed during a follow up appointment (£95).

  • No, if your baby is still having challenges after a tongue tie division performed by another practitioner, I believe they deserve exactly the same level of care - as we need to get to the underlying cause of their struggles. I know that is hard to hear - especially when you've already trusted someone to divide your baby's tongue tie. But I am here to fully support you, and give you the holistic support you and your baby need.

  • That's ok - I'm here. You can book an additional follow-up appointment for £95. These are usually booked during your time in clinic.

  • My clinic at: Rockabye Hub, 32 New Street, Mold, CH7 1NZ. I can see families from all over, but local to me are North Wales, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, the Wirral and North West.

    Feeding group is based at:

    Pitter Patter Clinic, 35 Lynton Way, St. Helen’s,WA10 6EQ.