From Rockabye Reflux to Rockabye Hub

Hey! Welcome to the Rockabye Hub.

So excited for you to see my new website and rebrand. Felt like a kid at Christmas last night knowing it was happening. It’s been a long time coming and I feel sad to say goodbye to Rockabye Reflux. But it’s still there really, it’s just a diffusion of the Rockabye Hub now. But I’ve also added Rockabye Tongue Tie! 

If you’re new here, I’m Faye. Mama to an ex reflux/tongue-tied/unsettled baby. She is my why. She was born in May 2020, the peak of the first wave of the pandemic. We had no support. She cried – all the time. Despite reflux medications, a much grieved for breastfeeding journey, and all the traditional reflux cures like infacol, gripe waters, prescription milk and starting solids – nothing worked. I learned to live with it; as did she. It was hell on earth and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It affected our bond. I didn’t want to be a mother anymore. I was broken. 

Until I came across a more holistic approach to infant reflux. One that looked at the reason WHY. As opposed to treating reflux as a disease. I undertook a certificate in infant reflux, got a very sad Mali to a happy Mali… and started up Rockabye Reflux. My social media grew and grew within it’s first year and I supported hundreds of families to address the underlying cause of their reflux and colic. I left my job in the NHS. And I worked really hard on myself, and my mental health. I can honestly say the first two years of Mali’s life, were a whirlwind of emotion, learning, and eventually, growth. 

After supporting families 1:1 for some time, I needed to do more. So much of reflux seemed to be related to tongue tie. I undertook training as a breastfeeding counsellor and then trained with Carmelle Gentle who is the leading expert in tongue ties in the UK. Her holistic and functional approach aligned with mine. The rest was history. 

And so along came the Rockabye Hub. A place to help you figure out why. You can check out my free resources, my handbook, or book a consultation at clinic with me. I really do get it. I get what it feels like to be drowning in tears, vomit, sleep deprivation and hopelessness. I’ve lived through it all and that’s why my drive and passion to change lives, is a fire burning within me that I’m not sure will ever go out. 

If you’ve got this far, I salute you. But I wanted you to understand my why.

Check out the rest of my website and resources, and pop me any questions you may have about booking – in the submission box!

Hope to see you soon! 


Tasha Dobie

Founder of The Square Agency & Official Squarespace Partner

Why Won’t My Baby' Stop Crying?